Last weekend Belle sent me this recipe for Roasted Red Pepper Soup and I think it's going to become a favourite. Not only because it turned out to be delicious, made her apartment smell amazing, is healthy and was as scrumptious the next day, but because it was the first meal she prepared in her new kitchen! The video tempted her so much she ran out for ingredients and expressed how much cheaper everything is there. 'Cheap' is a relative term these days but the cost of food in the Lower Mainland was getting insane for quite some time. Food insecurity is a huge issue everywhere and I'm grateful my kids aren't in the position of choosing to pay for heat or buying adequate healthy ingredients to prepare nutritious meals. This looks yummy and I can't wait to try my hand at it. Everyone thought she was a tiny weirdo for liking fava beans when she was little. She ate them like candy and has quite a sophisticated palette now. I'm impressed by some of the recipes she tries. This looks absolutely yummy and I can't wait to try my hand at it. Creamy soups are delightful but I've never thought to use beans to replace all the fat that makes them tasty and thick.
Her move went very well -- if we discount the warning a man with the flashing red and blues gave her after pulling her over 20 minutes from her destination. Welcome to 'berta, bitches. 😂 The kitty was a dream co-pilot and acclimated well to her new surroundings quite quickly.
They're all settled in and it's safe to say she's thrilled. The new apartment is adorable, the job is with one of the biggest firms in the city and her first week of training went great. Best of all, her employer really gets that work/life balance aren't just a buzzphrase, but have worked the possibilities into policy. She's never had that before and this will be the first time she can plan the life she wants to build instead of constantly scrambling to survive and working to exhaustion.
Their first morning was spent as everyone's should be: with a hot cup of coffee, mindful of all there is to have gratitude for, and enjoying a beautiful view with someone you love.
She's becoming acquainted with the city and her public transportation stories bring me to tears with laughter. It does a mama's soul good to know she's in a good place, happy and making new friends, and enjoying everything autumn in Canada has to offer. Cheers, my sweet Belle! I love you, beyond...xox