Tuesday, September 27, 2022

Housekeeping Day

Last night was a real rainy and blustery one here. Winnie the Pooh would definitely have fretted and I shudder to think how poor Eeyore would have coped. The rain was so bad Kitty had to pull over on her way home from work and that girl drives like a maniac. When I went out this morning to grab some of the magical Life Potion, otherwise known as coffee, I found this:

It was gross and clung on like it had hidden suction cups. I think (in my fantastical mind) it may have had tentacles so it's entirely possible, right? I'm right. But did I mention IT WAS GROSS?!? I fought off a gross alien of unknown origin! Somebody get me a Brave Pin. 

Before I popped out to become an avenging she-warrior battling invading demons, I'd been grooving to my favourite jams as I did some housekeeping on this here blog. The socials buttons are complete and at the bottom of the page for now; the archives and search have been moved up, some contest links were added, and I also moved the email widget up to the right side. So if you have any questions, want to send me money, or tell me how insane I appear to be, please do. Your content will determine which line you shall stand in. Clue: one line is verrrrrrrryyyy long. Pack snacks.

Life always seems to be one step forward and two steps back, doesn't it? Normally I'm vigilant about closing out any windows before slapping the lid down on the laptop but the call of the lifejuice was strong and I stupidly just closed it. Now Spotify won't play and that qualifies as a crisis in my world. Another task added to the housekeeping list - some things 'bout to get bumped. 

Getting bumped is something I happen to have experienced more than a few times. While it can be painful, life goes on. She'll probably never see it but Happy Birthday to my big sister. I miss who I thought you were. Nice lederhosen.