The following was previously published on another site.
Slowly building new socials, with my long term goal in mind, may seem random to others but it's part of a plan. Or a grand delusion. Whatever. It keeps me off the street as my Ma used to say. Doing this requires a lot of screen time and actually a bit of a learning curve. Thankfully, I've stumbled across things that made me laugh way too hard. Granted, insomnia may have something to do with it. Why did I wake up? Whyyy can't I go back to sleep? Am I a lunatic? Probably.
TikTok has been a revelation. On so many levels. One that comes to mind is that I had no concept of how many people would spend their precious time, watching other people, on a little screen, Is this fun? I. Think. Not.

I don't care what anyone says. Twitter on #Caturday is the most splendid place evah. Bar none. Last weekend I tweeted: "I'm FINE. Why do you ask?" In the replies, a work of minimalist art appeared, just like magic. There are no words to express how much I LOVE THIS!!! It gets funnier the more I look at it and think somebody, somewhere, took the time to do that.

Copywriting and TMing the whole thing up thar. Tag, tag, no erasies.

On the Canadian news front:

No judgment here, Luke. Some people dig casinos, fantasy sport leagues, or a night at The Bingo. I'm enjoying contesting. My advice to anyone thinking about doing it is to take the time to open a dedicated email account first. The volume of emails can get out of control. My Gmail got a little Grated. Yes, I know 'grated' is a real word. Yes, I know I'm using it improperly. I do that. You know where I was going, right?
Dear Expedia Cruises,
Maybe have Bob in PR check how an automatic email reply for a contest submission appears? Just a thought...

Umm, you're welcome? Can I have the free cruise now? (They wouldn't be the first to say no.) Someone on Twitter posted their favourite Greek philosopher. I concur.

This needs a catchy sign off but I haven't created one yet. It's a journey. Something, something, hidden clues. I'll get there.