Tuesday, September 13, 2022

My Firstborn

McHeaty has been quiet lately...every now and then, he'll pop off a text saying things like, "Hey, I can see my house from up here!" 

And my initial reaction is always omgwhyisheontheroofdontthinkaboutthatsceneinbackdraft! Then, I take a deep breath, blow it out hard, grit my teeth and remember how proud I am of him. He wanted this career and fought hard for it. He knows I'm always all in for him to succeed and achieve his dreams. He's shared lots of reassuring 'the training' speeches. Deep inside though, Mama Bear will always whisper like a nag...but why does he have to go near the flamey stuff? 

He's always been a busy guy with work, sports, volunteering, training, continuing education, and a social life that's dizzied me at times. Now he's with a lovely lady I've yet to meet because they live across the country...or he's afraid for her to meet me because, as you may suspect, I am a lot. I try not to blast him with too many texts. They have busy careers and make an adorable little family.

Family Portrait 
Even though we've yet to meet I already adore her, because he does, and from what I've heard from him and Belle she's an awesome woman. What more can a mother want for her son?

Still, I miss him and the sense of humour we share. He's kind, smart, bears a striking resemblance to George Clooney, is lightening quick and leans into it. Around fourteen years ago, for Christmas, both his sisters and I bought him a tee shirt that said, "Cougar Bait" on it. We weren't together when we did it. There was no plan. The photo captured is a treasure! Our whole family are Top Gun fans, which is funny considering the original came out two years before he was born, and the lead up to the sequel was fun. Things that made me think of him in particular today:

Women's Special Order for Ma. 
Yah or nah?

On this, please, just no.

We should probably print this out.

Keep your head in the game, kid. I love you, beyond...xox