You may already know this (unless you're new, in which case hello, welcome, please stay a while) because I whine incessantly share concerns in the hopes of either someone emailing me the solution, or working it out once my thoughts are published. Why not edit before publishing? Hah! This site won't let me preview my full post before publishing, and until that's fixed, the feed will stay in the off position. Ever since I switched over to Blogger I've been in several battles with this here thang...somewhat ironic because I found Wix too finicky, which is why I'm here. Maybe I'm the problem? Pfft. Nah.
Mia doesn't seem too keen on the idea - she's giving me bedtime prompts and a wicked glare - but I'm going to pull the old college all-nighter and crash course HTML. As a reasonably intelligent hooman that did this in the past, and quite well so 'twas said, it's a case of digging out knowledge that's lain dormant in a dusty corner of my brain. Probably clutching a security blanket. Because...well, wouldn't you if you had to be inside my head? Trust me on the blankie. May I suggest a weighted one for extra comfort?
For the record, allowing myself to be defined by stigma went into the trash bin quite a while ago. There's no shame in mental health challenges and my preferred method of coping is somewhat self-deprecating, while still taking it seriously, monitoring where I'm at each day and being treated accordingly. I've been diagnosed with clinical depression, anxiety disorder and C-PTSD. When I asked about ADHD and OCD, all I got was A Look. Right, let's call that an affirmative.
In the psychiatrist's yearly evaluation to my health care provider she noted I'm extremely self-aware, cognizant of stressors and how to cope with them, have been very compliant with medication only when required, and she has confidence in my continued ability to access additional help when needed. In layman's terms, I'm nuts and I know it, but I meditate and discovered the joy of edibles so we good. Still, no amount of medication or CBD gummies will ever make me okay with things like the refusal of Blogger to change the colour of my links to pink - like I keep asking - or not justifying the formatting so things are neat and tidy - the way things are meant to be!!! It's just that now, instead of freaking out, a war plan is developed to address it. I think normal people simply call that having a day. Shrug.
While I'm doing this we'll be watching The Queen's funeral. (I supposed whilst would be more appropriate but it always makes me snicker with judgement when people outside the UK say it. How very posh, my darling.) The reasons I'm watching? Historical interest, my aforementioned Anglophile leanings, human curiosity and good old pop culture FOMO. I'm also unable to resist any occasion to admire stunning architecture, even when I've already seen it in person. Instead of scones, my refreshment will be cranberry orange muffins and good English Breakfast tea with milk, not cream. Mia may waddle over to the crunchy stuff bowl sometime during the night as she is known to do on occasion.
Let the battle commence, and may the woman be finally laid to rest, without incident.