Wednesday, September 7, 2022

What Is Happening?

Have you ever slept for a really long time and spent the next few hours completely confused about just everything? My day started with my daughter's friend walking in the door looking for my grandson, because his mom is at work, freaking out because she couldn't get a hold of me, and the kid wasn't to be found. I was literally asleep on the job. 

I haven't been sleeping well because of the funky eye thing, which my other daughter pointed me in the direction of Blepharitis last night, and I think it's time to head to the clinic. The night before school started, the daughter I'm with asked me at 11:45 pm  to french braid her hair -- something I did every night after her bath while she was growing up as she would preen like a cat being adored --  and we got into one of those late-night chats that reminded me of some of the best times I've had as a mom. Somehow, I was shocked to glance at my phone and see it was 4 am! To prevent a sleep-in disaster, and because one of us was drinking beer and it wasn't me, I stayed up to make sure the young man was up and at 'em to start the 2022/23 school year right. I had a 2 hour nap in the afternoon and went to sleep at 11:30 last night. 

The kid came home, was grounded off xBox until further notice as per Mom Said So, had dinner, and is reading a book. I advised him to shower and be asleep before his mom gets home from work. She is Le Pist. Thank you, sleeping pill, anti-anxiety med, and Benadryl. It was fun, but you didn't make the HEYLETSDOTHATAGAIN shortlist. I also just had to tell the kid not to eat the special homemade cookies the neighbour gave me. Telling him Mom and Grandma enjoy the edibles is always fun. One never knows when he'll start the do as I say convo. Thankfully, he read the room correctly, so this wasn't it.

I really need to decided on nicknames for these people. It's tiresome to call them the other, other, person and probably not fun to read. Onward  . . . .

edited to add: I've settled on the nicknames. I spend every other week with my daughter, Kitten, and my grandson, Mancub. My youngest daughter lives across the country and I can never see enough of my sweet Belle. And just because we are really proud of him, while still disgruntled he destroyed our firefighter fantasy lives by becoming one, my son is McSteamy. They are the humans that make my world matter. ❤