All this and more is on it's way to me ~ THANK YOU My Supply Co. for the awesome giveaway! I've never tried micro-dosing but I'm in. This is a whopping win and I can't wait to try these.
To make sure everyone stays chill and enjoys the holiday season I'll also be gifting some gummies at Christmas. The prize included a $200 gift card and when I placed my order today, I added a tincture for pets which is supposed to help with aches, pains and seizures. Darling Bella had a few scary seizures a couple of months ago and after an emergency (expensive) check-up and bloodwork at the vet, it appears to be due to aging. I'll get it into the mail right away. When my mom was suffering so much pain and anxiety CBD oil really helped so we'll give the kitty the same in a pumpkin-flavoured paste. My rheumatoid arthritis has been nasty this week and I got the Cool Release Pain Relieving CBD Balm. Hopefully it will bring some relief because I hate taking pain pills just to function, only to end up lethargic.
After placing my order I realized there were so many other items available, including beauty products, so future shopping is certain. Check the website out and if you are interested in buying from them use the referral code GOLDUNFASTEN at checkout -- you'll receive $20 off your first order of $50 or more.