Saturday, October 1, 2022

Companies Doing Good in Canada

We all want corporations to give back to our communities. The collective word of mouth that social media has opened up has pushed more of them to do it and we should draw attention to the good that is being done. More and more businesses are including donations to charity into their mission statement - usually the smaller the company, the higher the commitment to community. They should be rewarded with our money when we can. Let's face it - big business is making plenty of profit. It's up to the consumers to demand what we want them to do with some of it by using our purchasing power. 

Here's a few that have popped up in my emails lately. Some are cause-specific, like Breast Cancer Research and Autism Awareness for October. Some are long standing initiatives that are part of their business models. As always, click on the pic. If you know of any that I can add here please email me using the form on the right. Thx.

La Mer 


Province of Canada 

Peace Collective

St. Louis Bar & Grill

Home Depot