The Toronto Humane Society 50/50 Raffle is back! Any charity aimed at helping animals is an instant win for me and THS does invaluable work on behalf of our furry frens:
"The majority of your support goes directly to improving the lives of animals, shelter services, public and subsidized veterinary services and community outreach programs."
Tickets can be purchased for as little as $10/10 tickets and the estimated Grand Prize is $9,999.00 with a November 30, 2022 at 11:59 pm EST deadline. There are two Early Bird draws as well. To be entered for the first Early Bird draw ($1000 prize) make your purchase before October 31, 2022 at 11:59 pm EST. To be entered for the second Early Bird draw ($500 prize) make your purchase before November 14, 2022 at 11:59 pm EST.
Everyone should read the rules and regulations of any contest, giveaway, sweepstakes or raffle they enter. I'm beginning to feel like it's nagging but this is a case where it's so important to do so. The winners won't be contacted directly so if you buy tickets, make sure to set a notification in your calendar for relevant dates and follow one of the reporting sites to check the announcements. While any purchase is a win for the furbabies, it would really suck to miss out on your prize if your number is drawn, wouldn't it? Set those notifications and follow one of the links down thar 🠋 because I made it so easy for you. Good luck!
From the Rules: "The winning number will be drawn at 11:00 AM EST on November 1, 2022. The second early bird prize will consist of $500, and tickets purchased prior to 11:59 PM EST on November 14, 2022 will be eligible. The winning number will be drawn by 11:00 AM EST on November 15, 2022. 9. One main cash prize will be awarded for each raffle as part of the Final Draw, the winning ticket will be posted on the website, written about in our Scratching Post e-newsletter, and will also be posted on our Facebook, Instagram and Twitter accounts. 10. The winning ticket holder has six (6) months in which to claim their prize from the date of the draw their ticket was purchased for."