The past week has been a sort of emotional roller-coaster and I've just been rolling with it, being gentle with myself and doing the self-care bit. All is well (and there's even a personally very exciting plan taking shape, yay!) But isn't it always the way that just when you think you've moved through the worst of it the littlest thing can unexpectedly bring the teary train rushing into the station? Or is that just what happens in the life of perpetually overly-feely Moi? Ssh. I know I'm a crybaby.
Over the years, for various reasons, I've lost custody of many objects. My mantra is that things can always be replaced. The only ones that fill me with true feelings of loss and regret are the ones with deep sentimental meaning. Regardless of their monetary worth, those are what have great value to me and it's those losses that can make my heart ache. The priceless things.
There aren't adequate words to express what a gift it is to have someone who cares enough and makes the effort to share something I thought was forever lost. Today my dearest friend made me cry - in the best way possible.
In a blog post a while back, I'd mentioned the coffee cake recipe she'd shared with me almost thirty five years ago, that it remains Kitty's favourite, and how I wished we still had the fundraiser cookbook from when she was in grade two. Leave it to the amazing woman I chose to be my children's Godmother to save her copy: