For the fourth night in a row the early waking insomnia monster got me - hello, 3 am, you used to be much more fun. It wouldn't be so bad if my regular bedtime isn't in the midnight neighbourhood, but Moi is a lifelong owl. Positive thinking, making the best of whatever life hands you and all that blah blah: the dishwasher is going, a pile of ever-growing pots and pans have been scrubbed, a roast has been seared and is braising for dinner, daily contests have been entered, swag has been swagged, socials have been scrolled, and emails have been read.
Oh, Joe. If only it were that easy.
Clever girl that I am, the sense Black Friday is going to actually happen soonish is becoming more of a certainty to me. The Early, Pre-pre-pre Black Friday Sales subject lines have tapered off to reveal a combination of offers of "free" gifts and a lot of rather alarming YOUDONTWANTTOMISSOUT missives.
Rather than being overcome by the overused FOMO, I feel utter relief that my holiday shopping is done. There's no nostalgia for Hallmark movie moments. No illusions of strolling snow-covered (yet not a slippery, slushy obstacle course) streets decked out in enormous red bows and twinkle lights with a cheery holiday soundtrack playing as snowflakes flutter prettily (yet not fuggen freezing) while Moi, looking delightful in a saucy chapeau, and my charmed and witty companion chat amicably and peruse quaint shops for just the right gifts (we probably can not afford) to prove how much we care about people we love (but may not even like.)
Moi iz a growed up and that story is bullshit. Let's not even start on the obligation gifts. The shoulds. I'm rejecting it all. The beautiful thing about getting older is the freedom one feels letting go of what doesn't serve us anymore. Mancub hung up the first Christmas decoration this morning, we've watched crazy videos on Youtube, and the cat is cuddled up beside me watching the snow falling outside. The time we spend together and memories we make is what serves me best. Make the best of your moments.