Elizabeth Alexandra Mary
H.R.H. the Queen Elizabeth II
April 21, 1926 - September 8, 2022
Though we all knew the day that comes to all of us would happen, it was still a jolt to read: Queen Elizabeth II has died at age 96, Buckingham Palace has announced. Everything seemed to happen quite quickly after they announced she was under medical supervision and her doctor's had concerns. Of course, the immediate family has been notified is pretty much code everyone understands.
BBC One suspended regular programming five hours ago. The United Kingdom will be in an official state of mourning, as will the countries of the Commonwealth, and there is a whole wazoo of protocol that's going to affect people in the UK for a time. I once watched a YouTube video "What Happens When the Queen Dies" and some of it was a little overwhelming. Even though Canada is part of the Commonwealth, I have no idea what protocols will come into effect here. I should know more! Surely, Parliament can't sit, whether that's during a period of mourning, or longer? It's technically the Queen's Parliament, so does it have to be dissolved until the King instructs the Governor General to open a new sitting in his name? Gah!
The Queen was said to be very fond of Canada and has visited every province and territory, over seventeen tours, during her reign. As with so many around the world, Canada Is In Mourning.
The first time I really dealt with foreign currency other than our own and USD, was at fifteen when I was lucky enough to spend six weeks in the UK. It was my first taste of travel and I was enchanted. As I gazed in wonder at the Crown jewels sparkling on display, and toured castles in awestruck delight that so many historical figures, including the current queen, had walked exactly where I did, my Anglophile love buried itself inside my impressionable young heart and settled in for the long haul.
Strolling the cobbled stone streets of Windsor, I knew in my soul that I had been there before, as illogical as it seemed. My belief that we are souls in a chapter of a journey, and that the end of this physical life isn't an end, but rather a new chapter beginning was cemented in the UK. Everyone has the right to expect others to respect their religious and spiritual beliefs, or lack there of. I can have discussions with people of different beliefs and respect their devotion, whether I agree with them or not.
Her Majesty QEII did what she believed her God asked of her, to the best of her ability, and served with dignity, grace and the occasional flash of SASS👑 It's difficult to unpack exactly why, with the knowledge we as a nation still have to try to come to grips with, she still made most of us feel united simply because she was there. For that, she had and continues to have, my respect and fond wishes. History will judge her well.
The Prince of Wales is now King and his coronation will be held at a later date. Camilla, Duchess of Cornwall, is now Queen Consort. At some point, William and Katherine will become Prince and Princess of Wales, but right now, they add Duke & Duchess of Cornwall to their titles. Poor, wee George is now second in line to the throne. Though the protocol of London Bridge is Down is already in full swing, and the plans are commencing for the pomp and such, it's going to be a pretty tumultuous time for the House of Windsor. I have some feelings. Later for that. For now, my thoughts are of condolences to a family, friends and a nation who have lost a loved one.