Wednesday, September 7, 2022

September Means Learning New Skills

This post was previously published on another site.

Or dusting cobwebs off the old ones. I'm in disbelief that this long weekend is the last before kids return to school. One is starting her second year of college. Her son is starting the last year of elementary before graduating into high school. Where they keep the big kids. *gulp* The way he's growing, though, hopefully it won't be a problem. He turned thirteen in July. His summer wardrobe was men's large boarder shorts, shirts and hoodies. He's already half a head taller than me, and taller than both his mom, aunt and me. I'm a smidge shy of 5'8". His aunt and mom swear they are 5'5". Bullshit flag thrown on that field. Not to mention, when my girlchildren are drinking they get really cute and slur like , "Achshualee I'm really only 5'3' but done tell anyone, 'kayyy, bitch?? hahaa I loove you?" Nothing like a little truth serum with a maraschino cherry and umbrella, amirite, adies?

The kid . . . his back to school shoes: Size 11. His grown ass uncle"s size. I think that man is secretly starting to hope he may be able to score some hand me downs before someone, who was a child two months ago, damages them. The next couple of years are sure to be interesting. We're all anticipating the football and rugby coaches will show interest. He's going to be a beast.

Come the first day of school, I'll be here, staring at a screen for too long, clacking away and occasionally yelling at the laptop. Hey, we all have different learning styles, okay? Mine is hands-on, verbal and involves throwing everything at the wall until something sticks. (You may have heard that referenced as sticktoitivness., she said smugly.) TikTok continues to both mystify and horrify me. It's been giving me troubles. I've been trying to embed something here, with no luck. On and off. This thing ain't gonna beat me but I see alcohol in my near future. Look at this natty cat, judging me. He must be French. So full of attitude. So above it all. Keep your disdain, garçon, and just bring me my booze right meow .

His real name is Wolfie.
*chef's kiss* props to his human employee!
Yesterday's mailbox contained some coupons and free samples, and today more were successfully ordered. So YAY! The Christmas Stocking Box has begun to fill with supplies.

And the contesting continues. Here's two that you may find interesting. I've been entering one daily from the beginning, and the other I found on one of the contesting websites I joined, so I was late to the game. Can't hurt to try, right? Psst. Go enter it so I get a referral bonus. I have an obsession with Sweden.