Saturday, September 17, 2022

Whistling Past The Cemetary

 🎧  Nothing To Fear

Have you ever had a day where it feels like there's a grouchy shadow hanging over your shoulder? It's not anxiety. I know anxiety in every ugly form. Depression has also been a beast I've finally slayed and that's not what this feeling is. Trying to describe it leaves me struggling...but it's as though I'm the little kid who won't look under the bed because there might be monsters lying in wait. No matter what I try, and I've been trying all day, it's just...there.

There's nothing specifically wrong. My Saturday's been spent writing, answering emails, entering contests, taking a peek at the news and fiddling with the blog. Upbeat soundtracks have kept me company and Mia has given insistent snuggles. 

A neighbour answered my mayday note and that woman is going to heaven when she shifts off this mortal coil. She dropped off two coffees and said I could warm one up tomorrow. Oh, kind but silly woman, surely you jest. Dey be gone. I am not an novice.

When a friend asked what kind of beer I wanted her to pick up for me and the answer was "something light" she called it a rude, but hilarious, name that I can't share. She also implied I am a novice beer drinker in her eyes. She's not completely wrong. Having lived for a decade and a half with someone who had a daily, multiple 'fizzy pop' habit, I was completely turned off it for years. Recently, I remembered how much I enjoy it under the right circumstances. I'd gone camping with Kitten and her BFFs, it was perfect summer weather, and it's hard not to want a cold beer around those ladies. Funny as hell, strong, independent, single and hard working moms, they're her rock and I'm so grateful she has them in her life. It's a girl's weekend away for them and there's talk of riding a mechanical bull. I posted on her IG that the town ought to lock up their sons. I swear, if she throws her back out and I have to wait on her for the next two weeks, the pist mist is gonna fly. I can be pissed off and laugh at the same time. Multi-tasker, c'est Moi.

The skill is something I managed to pass on to all my offspring. Belle is working her second job tonight. Her text update included: (a) She has to be out of her condo by 30 November, (b) Her second interview, with the decision maker, is on Monday, (c) The cat got a promotion, and (d) Further confirmation the kid is mine: 

It doesn't diminish my pride, but sometimes I really feel for my kids. Imagine drawing the mother card and getting me?  McSteamy is off-grid camping, which he neglected to tell me about, but it's probably because I always get all momish on him about BEARS!!!! The rolling of his eyes can practically be heard over the phone. He once texted me to say he'd just had a bear burger and my reply was mock horror that he'd eaten his favourite childhood teddy, Tickle Bear. They really just don't know what to expect when they reach out. 

To be honest, neither do I...

Part of reason for taking up blogging again is to get back into the practice of writing daily. The rest is...therapy. Which I clearly still need, amirite? Cheers!