In case you're wondering how my day is going so far, at 6 am I put this on the door leading to our parking lot, and my neighbours sleep too gotdam late. Someone will take pity on's just a matter of time. Tick, tock, people, I may have a coffee problem. The car should be fixed by the end of the week and I CAN.NOT wait to have my independence back!
Belle is in the process of making a big career change and has a huge opportunity within her grasp. She's just waiting for the final offer but the feedback has been excellent. I'm so excited for her. It would mean relocating to another city, closer but not close enough, Mama laments quietly. It couldn't come at a better time because she texted me after I was asleep that her landlord finally got and accepted an offer on the condo she's renting. She has a lot on her plate. All my fingers and toes are crossed for my little girl. We were discussing how she'll need to update her wardrobe so I've been doing a lot of online personal shopping, and naturally found things she doesn't need, but I now do:
Wouldn't you know it, they don't deliver to Canada! But they have so many cute things at great prices and with the holiday season coming up my American friends should check it out for their daughters and wives. What does Jane have against us?!?!
Update: I accidentally lost this whole post and had to start over, my embeds are misbehaving, I lost the link to a video, Blogger won't let me preview the whole post before publishing, the formatting got funky so the battle continues, and the neighbours are still too quiet. If somebody doesn't wake up soon, this could be me very shortly:
— Larry the Cat (@Number10cat) September 17, 2022