Tuesday, October 4, 2022

Chonky Punkin

🎧 The Witches Are Back

This adorable little guy was looking at me in 2009 - probably thinking how grateful he was for all the spiffy duds. You're welcome, child. 

Forgive me another granny moment, but tonight he went into the pizza place to pick up dinner and when his almost 6' tall frame walked out, I was thunderstruck again. Where did the time go??? Xbox and his friends are starting to win the battle for his company but luckily he still wants those moments. Moments like decorating for Halloween, witch he is excited about. Yes, I wrote that. Nervy, huh?

Spooky SZN continues and there are ideas a'plenty. I see a lot of home-made pumpkin bread, pie, crumble, muffins, cupcakes and face masks in my future.  

Last week I thought it would be a good idea to pop into my Pinterest to get a few fun ideas to share. While I adore the app and my eleventy billion 'must remember this' pins, it's easy to get sucked into a never-ending loop that makes time disappear in a frightening way. I fought my way out and brought a few thousand things to blog about. But now I am sick and cranky so if you want to spook up your food, beauty game, and enjoy a delightful beverage you'll have to do some of the work.