Thursday, October 6, 2022

Consumer Madness

🎧 Chaching, Chaching

One thing I've noticed lately is online apparel retailers offering payment plans. Umm, when did this become a thing? I'm curious what the interest rate is. Once upon a time, credit cards weren't used for absolutely everything under the sun - now people rely on credit to purchase not just meals out and a few luxury items, but groceries, necessities, and even use the plastic to pay their monthly bills. Talk about borrowing from Peter to pay Paul. That's some upside down economics and we're the suckers. Call me old-fashioned but no matter how much I want these shoes...

...and I want them baaaaaad because zomg how freakin' adorable are they??? I'll be saving up until I can own them outright instead of making four equal monthly payments.  Mr. Noodles, we have some dates in our future. I'll supply the soundtrack.