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Fifty five years ago almost to the exact time I'm writing this, on a chilly Saturday autumn afternoon, my mother put on her winter coat, got into a Toronto taxi and asked the driver to take her to Mt. Sinai Hospital. He said what a shame it was she had to work on Thanksgiving weekend. It took her a moment to realize he thought she was a nurse with....heft. I showed up the next day in time for lunch. You could say I'm skilled at landing an entrance.

The next day, a not-hefty nurse remarked they knew when it was feeding time because wee Moi kept pursing my lips like a baby bird seeking food from Mama. She suggested the name I answer to and gave birth to one of my nicknames along with a sweet family story. Thanksgiving has always been special to me, more for the family gatherings than my birthday, but this year I'm getting a special gift thanks to the MLB team from my hometown making the playoffs. Thank you,
Toronto Blue Jays! 💓My boy McHeaty surprised us with a text that he's flying home for a quick three-day trip to go to the Saturday (and if needed, Sunday) games with his high school buddy.
Same guy, same mad love for Toronto and the Jays below re-created one of my favourite pics a couple of years ago:
This all means, we love our team and stay true - and the birthday girl gets to see these people together again:
Go, Jays, Go #NextLevel but I think I can be forgiven that THIS is the big win for me. It's hella hard when 2/4 of the people who make your world matter live across the country. One of my chicks will be dearly missed but she's packing, getting ready to leap into her future and we are so proud of her. The last time we were all together was the worst occasion every family goes through at some point, but they never fail to pull a laugh out of me, even in grief. As they walked out of the airport towards my car, he shoved her in front of him and yelled,
"You're it!"
Moi can be a ferocious hugger.
This time he's going to have to take one for the team. Depending on how the series goes, we'll either celebrate with a restaurant brunch early Sunday before he heads downtown or have a relaxed day at home with a traditional dinner Sunday evening. Both options would be a touch bittersweet but we're just going to roll with it because we have so much to be thankful for and we're adaptable folk. He flies away to BC again on Monday. We'll all pretend I'm not going to cry and then tuck away the memories made for safe-keeping and go on with the business of life
It doesn't matter how old my kids get, how long it's been since they soared out of the nest, or how quick the reunion is. Having the chance to hug them longtime is priceless. I will have all of them together in my arms again when the time is right. Hope springs eternal. Now, we give thanks. Good luck to the Jays - and I'm wishing you & yours a beautiful Thanksgiving weekend! 💕💖💕
You must have been beautiful babies.
Really, the punnies write themselves. I'm not in charge.
EDITED TO ADD: His voice is hoarse from cheering and having a great time with his buddy, we got to stay up late having drinks Saturday night, we had him all day Sunday and this morning. I'm not mad.